Research Papers and Presentations from other Individuals


The negative impact of land acquisition on indigenous communities' livelihood and environment in Tanzania 0.00 KB 8 downloads

by Kusiluka, Moses Mpogole and Kongela, Sophia et al. (2010) ...

Prospects for Sustainable Construction Practices in Tanzania 0.00 KB 8 downloads

by Kusiluka, Moses Mpogole and Kongela, Sophia (2009) ...

Redefining Africa: The Emergence of a New African Story 0.00 KB 9 downloads

Harvard Business School (2013) ...

Subsahara-Afrika: Die Wiederentdeckung eines Kontinents (in German) 0.00 KB 8 downloads

by Golaszinski, U. (2007) ...

Fragile States and Neoliberalism in Sub-Saharan Africa 0.00 KB 8 downloads

by González Aimé, E. (2008) ...